Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Benefits of Using Podcasts with ESL Students

What is a podcast?
A podcast is a series of audio or video digital media files that can be distributed and downloaded from the internet through web feeds to portable media players or personal computers (p.49). Basically, “a podcast is like a radio show on your computer” (p.49).

Why listen and create podcasts with ELLs?
There are podcasts on almost every subject you can dream of and they are excellent listening resources for ELLs. Podcasts can provide information, aural practice, and accent training. Listening to podcasts can provide students with exposure to different accents from different regions of the county and of the world .

By creating their own podcasts and publishing them to the web, students know that their voices can be heard by others around the world and, therefore, feel more motivated to create dynamic and polish podcasts.

In addition, according to Langer de Ramirez, “beginning ELLs who may be going through their silent period may feel more comfortable speaking into a microphone in a corner of the classroom or at home rather than speaking in front of a class of peers. They can record – and rerecord – their podcasts until they are satisfied with the results” (p.53).

Examples of how to use podcasts in the classroom:
  • Weather reports
  • Science reports 
  •  Poetry recitation
  • Story read aloud
  •  Pronunciation practice
  • Classroom news
  • Interviews with parents, teachers, and classmates

Langer de Ramirez, Lori. (2010). Empower English Language Learners with Tools from the Web. Corwin: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Benefits of using Blogs & Wikis with ESL Students

When publishing their work online, students pay more attention to polishing their work and think more deeply about the content they produce. Blogs and wikis are great online tools that are particularly well suited for English language learners for a variety of reasons... one major reason being motivation

As a whole, blogs and wikis are a new way of journaling, and they can be a fun and rewarding activity for students. They provide ELLs with the opportunity for their language to be read or listened to by a broad audience beyond their teacher and classmates. In using blogs, ELLs are able to make comments on other blogs while receiving comments about their own writing. Wikis, in tern, give ELL students the ability to collaborate with others to create an end result. This communication helps the student feel connected without forcing him or her to speak in class. As a result, students can try out their language skills in a less intimidating setting. In addition, there is a strong sense of autonomy in blogging and wiki writing as students are able to work on their own time and in their own setting as they create something that is personal yet connected to a school-initiated task. The student's ability to write and self-correct is a huge asset to all students, especially ELL's as they develop and practice a new lanaguge. According to Lori Langer de Ramirez (2010), "this writing with a purpose & for a real audience - and the motivational factor makes all the difference in getting ELLs to write... and write some more" (p.17).

What exactly is a Blog?
A blog web page that is created by an individual or group where they post their opinions, ideas, or information on a topic. The types of blogs are endless, they can range from cooking tips to time travel.

Examples of how to use blogs in the classroom:
  • Writing journals/diaries
  • Creative Writing
  • Class Debates
  • Poetry Collections
  • Novel or Story Reviews

What is a Wiki?
A wiki is an online tool in which many people can add, delete, and edit information.  It is created for a purpose for a specific group of people to collaborate. The work is instantly published and sent out into the world wide web for all to see.

Examples of how to use wikis in the classroom: 
  • Collaborative projects
  • Planning a class or school event
  • Online study communities
  • A place to post and share student Art, Music, Writing

** Note to Teachers: When using these types of resources it is important for the teacher to set clear goals and expectations with the students. If everyone is on the same page from the beginning it will make the project go much smoother and you are more likely to have successful outcomes.

Langer de Ramirez, Lori. (2010). Empower English Language Learners with Tools from the Web. Corwin: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What are the TESOL Technology Standards?

The TESOL Technology Standards, gathered from practice and research, focus on how English language teachers, teacher educators, and administrators can and should use technology in and out of the classroom. These standards build on work done by the National Educational Technology Standards Project in the International Society for Technology in Education, but have a strong focus on pedagogy specific to English language teaching. They are designed to be applicable to teachers and students at a range of English proficiency levels in many English language teaching and learning settings around the world.

The TESOL Technology Standards Framework consists of two sets of standards including standards for language learners, and standards for language teachers.

To see the standards and examples of how to meet these standards, click the links below: